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APR3101 Datasheet(PDF) 10 Page - Anpec Electronics Coropration |
APR3101 Datasheet(HTML) 10 Page - Anpec Electronics Coropration |
10 / 14 page Copyright ANPEC Electronics Corp. Rev. A.3 - Feb., 2004 APR3101/2/3 www.anpec.com.tw 10 RESET V CC GN D V CC 100K Application Information VCC Transient Rejection The APR3101/2/3 have the function to reject the tran- sient glitches from the power line. The Maximum Tran- sient Duration vs. Reset Threshold Overdrive shows at Typical Characteristics. The transient voltage with the duration under the curve will not generate a reset signal, e.g. a transient of 100mV below the reset threshold voltage have the duration more than 35us, it will generate a reset signal. Connect a 0.1uF bypass capacitor to the VCC pin can improve the transient immunity. Manual Reset Input The APR3101/2/3 have 3 output stage versions: APR3101 is an active low push-pull output,when the VCC drops below the reset threshold or MR goes low, the RESET output generates a low signal. APR3102 is an active high push-pull output, when the VCC drops below the reset threshold or MR goes low; the RE- SET output generates a high signal (see Timing Chart). APR3103 is an active low open drain output, the RE- SET output must be connected a pull-up resistor to a supply voltage that is lower than 6V, it suits to use in multiple voltage systems (see Figure 2). The APR3101 RESET output is valid until the VCC=1.2V, below 1.2V the IC is shutdown, and the output becomes a floating state. If it is a trouble, a resistor should be connected from reset output to ground to keep the reset output low (see Figure 1). For The APR3102, a pull-up resis- tor to VCC is required to keep the valid reset output for VCC below 1.2V.¡@ ¡@ ¡@ ¡@ ¡@ Figure 1. Ensuring RESET Valid to VCC = 0 V Reset Output V CC A P R3103 RESE T GN D MR +3.3V +5.0V V CC GN D RESE T IN P UT 5V System 100k Figure 2. APR3103 Open Drain Output with Multiple Supplies Force the MR low asserts the reset signal, asserted reset continues as long as MR is low and after the MR goes high the reset signal is maintained for a fixed timeout period. The MR is internally connected a 47k Ω resistor to VCC, so it can be floating if MR is not used. The MR input also has a debounce time 500ns to avoid the glitches. It allows use of a mechanical switch or a TTL, and CMOS logic signal. |
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